Sportsday ISD Secondary

Contribution by Ms Loes Bekkers

On Tuesday, September 20th, the very first ISD sports day was held at the Semper Altius fields in Rijswijk.
Students prepared for this during their PHE lessons, which meant they learned the rules of the games of capture the flag and frisbee football but also learned how to self-referee.

On this lovely, sunny day, students were encouraged to wear team colours and show team spirit and sportsmanship. The students did an excellent job, and we saw engaged, enthusiastic, and very active students playing these games, some in great outfits and even face paint. On top of these games, they played some fun games such as skippy ball, fun ski, sudoku, and parachute ball.

Before the award ceremony, students competed in a tug-of-war competition and it was closed off with some matches against the teachers. 

At the award ceremony, students received trophies, not only for the most amount of points scored but also for team spirit and sportsmanship. 

It was wonderful for all to see students and teachers in a different setting than the classroom!