School Timings
ISD Primary
School opens at 08.00 and supervision is available from that time.
The school doors close at 14.45 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and at 12:30 every Wednesday.
The nature of the Primary Years Programme means that many of the disciplines are integrated into units of inquiry. These units form at least 50% of the school week and include social studies, visual & performing arts, as well as the relevant areas of language & mathematics. PYP Science and Physical and Social Education (PSE) are also integrated into units of inquiry.
Lunch Time and Break Time
Students eat lunch in the classroom and are supervised by their class teachers and class assistants, followed by play in the playground. All students have 30 minutes of eating time, followed by 30 minutes of supervised playing time.
Students are given a supervised 15 minute break in the morning to have a snack, followed by 15 minute supervised playing time.

ISD Secondary
School opens at 08.00 and supervision is available from that time. The school building closes at 17:00.
A school day at ISD Secondary does not always finish at the same time. There will be days that the student finishes at 14:00, but also days that the day finishes at 16:45.