ISD Primary - Distance Learning
We ask the support of parents or guardians for directing time and attention, for helping their child understand instructions and activities, and for ensuring their child completes assignments according to expectations.
We understand that parents may have more than one child at home requiring guidance while they are themselves working for their employer at home. Distance Learning can be challenging and we would like to emphasise that there will be flexibility in the way distance learning can be used.
As a guideline, we will put an average workload of 10- 15 hrs a week per child on Seesaw. These include language, maths and inquiry. Specialist teachers will post their own assignments and activities on SeeSaw. Teachers will prepare assignments and resources for the children. They will plan certain times during the day or week to give feedback on children’s work. This will not always be instantly.
Contact via Google Meet
All teachers schedule 10 mins a week per child in a Google Meet. This is to check how the children are doing, if things on Seesaw are working well, and other items that the children want to discuss, as contact with their teacher is very valuable. Parents from the Early Years group can have the meetings together with their children. We will also be scheduling a 30 min Google Meet session for the whole class once a week.
The individual and group meetings are not mandatory, but it could be very valuable for children to be in contact with each other and the teacher.
The following platforms support us in our digital teaching and learning methods. These platforms also enable us to communicate with students and parents and, at the same time, provide stimulating distance learning experiences.
- Seesaw: will be used as a, one-point of entry, platform for parents to support their children’s learning. On Seesaw, parents and children will find assignments, instructions, resources and materials for both the whole group and for individual children.
- Google Meet: will be used to offer video chat and real-time lessons or virtual meet ups with children and parents.
- Social Schools: we will still be using Social Schools as a tool to communicate to the whole parent group.
Parents can support their child/children in their learning by:
- Providing an environment conducive to learning (access to technology, safe and quiet space during daytime)
- Encouraging a daily routine
- Providing access to a device
- Monitoring communications from your child’s teachers
- Engaging in conversations on posted materials and assignments
- Supporting emotional balance by providing ample room and time for reflection, physical activity, conversation and play
Establish daily routines for engaging in the learning experiences
- Identify a comfortable, quiet space in your home where you can work successfully
- Regularly (possibly with the help from your parent) check in on Seesaw to see what the class teacher has shared with you (assignments and feedback on work)
- It might be different, but do your best to meet timelines and commitments
- Try to give your best effort to do the work that is assigned to you
- Ask your teacher or parent if you do not understand the assignment, or if you require extra support
- Communicate with your teacher if you cannot meet the deadlines
- Make sure you take enough breaks for physical activities, games and play.
- Overall: do your best but also try to make it a fun time!