How the ISD Secondary Distance learning will work
From 17 March Distance Learning is available via:
Digital Learning Platform
- ManageBac: we will use this platform to communicate with the students and parents, assign homework, projects and research, and give feedback to the students.
- Google Drive: within Google Drive we can use Google Chat and Google Meet to be able to chat with students directly
Quick Information for Parents:
- Students should log into Managebac and Google Drive / Gmail at the start of the day. Keep these windows open. Please print out the Student Cheat Sheet to keep a visual reminder of what is expected.
- All assignments will be on Managebac, with instructions and materials. There will also be deadlines for these assignments.
- Teachers will be available during their normal teaching hours, for students to contact them.
- Students can contact teachers using Google Chat.
- When needed (and with your permission), teachers can use Google Meet (video chat) to talk to students about their assignments.
- Please note: We expect students to follow our normal classroom/school rules of behavior when in communication with teachers or each other. When talking to teachers with video chat, students should be dressed appropriately.
- All subject related questions should go to the subject teacher, using Google Chat.
- If students have technical questions, they should contact Mr Madahar.
- Teachers will be available during their normal lesson times to help students. Other times in the week can also be arranged to communicate during school hours, if needed.
- The homeroom teacher will monitor the progress of students, and when needed, will contact the students and / or the parents.
This is a unique situation that we as a school, and you as parents have found ourselves in. The school greatly appreciates all the support and help that you can offer your children during the time that the school will be closed. Please be assured that the education of your children is our top priority.