Interdisciplinary workshop between Art & Science  

Contribution by Ms Gabriela Angelin Teixera
MYP1 students in ISD Secondary were treated on 21 February to an engaging workshop that aimed to integrate Art and Science through interdisciplinary learning. The workshop was designed to explore the relationship between art and science, and how their commonality can be used to develop observational skills.

The workshop featured a range of activities, including discussions on works of art by Rob Van Es, an artist who creates beautiful pieces using microscopic images. Students were also challenged to observe and draw the physical features of a grasshopper, while the third activity involved observing and representing botanical life using crayons.

By using observation as the first step in the scientific method, the workshop allowed students to develop their observational skills and gain a deeper appreciation for the relationship between art and science. 
Overall, the Art & Science workshop was a fantastic opportunity for students to engage with both Art and Science in a unique and exciting way, encouraging them to think more creatively, observe more deeply and appreciate the connections between different subject areas.